Rujuri metalice pentru toata ziua? EXACT! Pentru cele care iubesc culorile si texturile speciale, deci pentru VOI!
Fie ca sunt „Out of this world” si va invaluie buzele in nuante puternice de verde, albastru, gri sau violet, fie ca va ating delicat cu nuante blande de nude sau old rose ori straluciti in oranjuri puternice, asemeni inimii soarelui sau nuante de fucsia stralucitoare…rujurile metalice sunt pentru VOI si sunt de purtat INTREAGA ZI.
Un trend aparut acum trei sezoane pentru a aduce glamour momentelor festive, a trecut din exceptie in utilizare curenta pentru stropul de stralucire de care avem nevoie permanent, pentru doza de extravaganta care ne da incredere in noi si nu in ultimul rand pentru picatura de culoare care ne face ziua PERFECTA!
Am selectat in editorialul lunii NOIEMBRIE cele mai HOT nuante METALICE din gamele care ne plac cel mai mult! Asadar! DARE to SHINE in METALS!
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 06 SOLAR ENERGY

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 06 Solar Energy, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line Pret: 34.00 Lei,
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 01 GALACTIC

Cosmic metals Lip Cream NYX, 01 GALACTIC , in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 Lei
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 02 FUCSIA FUSION

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 02 FUCSIA FUSION, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 Lei
Metallic Mates, W 7 Cosmetics, ALL ABROAD

Metallic Mates, W 7 Cosmetics, ALL ABROAD, Pret: 14.00 Lei
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX 03 OUT OF THIS WORLD

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX 03 OUT OF THIS WORLD, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 lei
Metallic Mattes W7 Cosmetics, S.O.S

Metallic Mattes W7 Cosmetics, S.O.S, Pret: 14.00 Lei
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX 12 COMETS TAIL

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX 12 COMETS TAIL, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 Lei
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX 05 ASTEROID AURA

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX 05 ASTEROID AURA, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 Lei
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 08 SPEED OF LIGHT

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream NYX, 08 SPEED OF LIGHT, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 Lei
Metallic Mattes W7 Cosmetics NEPTUNE

Metallic Mattes W7 Cosmetics NEPTUNE, Pret: 14.00 lei
Vice Lipstick Metalized, Urban Decay, BIG BANG

Vice Lipstick Metalized, Urban Decay, BIG BANG, in magazinele SEPHORA, Pret 99.00 Lei
Cosmic Metals Lip Cream, NYX 016 CRISTALIZED METALS

Cosmic Metals Lip Cream, NYX 016 CRISTALIZED METALS, in NYX ParkLake, Banesa Shopping City si On line, Pret: 34.00 Lei
Metallic Mattes, W7 Cosmetics SANTORINI

Metallic Mattes, W7 Cosmetics SANTORINI, Pret: 14.00 Lei
Vice Lipstick Metalized, Urban Decay, CONSPIRACY

Vice Lipstick Metalized, Urban Decay, CONSPIRACY, in magazinele SEPHORA, Pret: 99.00 Lei
MACHIAJ: Andreea Ghencea
cu produse W 7 Cosmetics, NYX Cosmetics & Urban Decay